Residential & Commercial Interior Design

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Penny Pinching

I've been working on the guesthouse redesign and think I finally figured out how to incorporate everything within budget. I had some doubters out there (including myself), but with a few creative and DIY solutions, I think I can make it work. It's tight, though. I mean really, really tight. Remember the plan?

Well, here's how I plan to spend each and every penny:

A few of my final product selections are different than what's on the inspiration board, but none of the substitutions will have a material impact on the end result. When I create an inspiration board, I keep budget in mind, but I am not as concerned with calculating every single dollar. My goal is to get the overall look and feel of the room down and receive client feedback. Then, I worry about executing the plan within budget. Finding cost effective substitutions can be SO frustrating but there's nothing better than finding a product that saves my client lots of $$ and produces the same amazing result. 

Kind of like the rug substitution below.  I swapped the original   rug   for this   one ...what do you think? Not bad for a savings of $400, right?!

There are SIX windows in this space, and as we all know, window treatments are not cheap! The windows definitely required some creativity, but I think the end product will have just as much impact as the board - for a fraction of the cost. 

I plan to reuse the existing coffee table and my client is going to paint the dresser.

A family member has offered to donate floating shelves that will be used as nightstands and the client already has frames, vases and a garden full of flowers (come spring) to contribute.

Significant changes CAN be made even on the tightest budget. Stretching every dollar requires more time, energy, creativity and P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E (repeat: patience!) during the planning phase, but your end result will be so worth it.

What have you accomplished on a tight budget? Please do share!

PS. The guesthouse painting will begin in the next few days, so stay tuned for progress photos!