Residential & Commercial Interior Design

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Happy Anniversary to Me!

"For I know the plans I have for you . . .plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

Jeremiah 29:11

Those are the words I have lived by day in and day out for the past year. In fact, one year to this very day.

I try to keep the blog focused purely on design, but today I'm going to deviate a bit to share how I got to this point.

Have you ever found yourself living each day going through the motions, knowing deep down what you're doing is not where you are meant to be? That was me exactly one year ago. From an outsiders perspective, I had what seemed to be an amazing career as the Chief Operating Officer for a small publishing company. I worked my tail off day in and day out, but had hit a wall. I found myself struggling to find new learning opportunities and each day felt like I was checking into a boxing ring. I couldn't figure out why I was subjecting myself to a job that no longer met my expectations, but as we all know, change is never easy. Complacency, while uncomfortable, often times feels like the simplest solution.

Amidst a lot of confusion, here's what I did know. My gut was telling me I wanted to be home more with my daughter (10.5 months at the time), I wanted control over my own schedule, I wanted to figure out a way to turn my passions into a living, and with the support of God, my husband and family - I could do anything.

So I took a month to really think through what makes me happy? If I could do ANYTHING, what would it be? Turns out, there was a very obvious answer. HOMES. I do, and always have, loved everything about interior design and real estate. When I was a kid, I used to watch real estate shows with my Dad on Sunday morning, and then tell my Mom which open houses I would like to go to. As an 18 year old, I contemplated interior design versus business as a college major. I went the business route primarily because I couldn't picture myself anywhere but the University of Dayton, and they do not have an interior design program. It was there I met my wonderful husband. Turns out, as a builder, he has a passion for homes, too. 

In addition to the 5 homes we have restored over the past 8 years, I've taken on a lot of design work for friends and family - but I never considered pursuing this passion as a career until a year ago. It started with this blog and has blossomed into something I could never have imagined. 

At about the same time I started the design work, I decided to get my

real estate

license. I mean, who wouldn't think it's a good idea to start two completely new and different careers within months of each other?! Has it been easy? No. Have I figured it all out? Nope. Have I replaced my salary? Definitely not. Do I still struggle to find balance? Don't we all? BUT, all that will come with time...well, maybe not all of it, but surely some things will get easier. I am trying hard to be patient with myself. I have already learned so much and I cannot even begin to describe the amazing people I have met along the way. I am so thankful for the wonderful clients I have had the opportunity to work with. 

I share this with you because life is short. Every day is a gift - so, if you're unhappy with where you are, or where you are going - try something new! What's the worst that can happen? If you fail you've learned and when you learn you grow. 

So, a year later - here I am. Doing what I love and watching His plan for me unfold before my very eyes.  I have flexibility in my schedule, restored passion and excitement for my career and an additional 24 priceless hours with my daughter each week. I am so blessed and would like to thank each and every one of you for your support. :)