Residential & Commercial Interior Design

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New Year, New Look

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Happy New Year! I hope you're all healthy and staying warm (it is


cold). As for me, well - I ended 2017 and began 2018 sick. as. a. dog. I was in bed for days...but, being sick afforded me the opportunity to


down (something most of us do not do very often) and reflect upon last year's accomplishments and what I want to achieve this coming year. I thought/ prayed long and hard and gained a lot of clarity around where I want to focus and things I want (err, need) to let go of.

I also decided to take a look at my blog. It has been so long I literally couldn't even remember my login and password (gulp). Oh. My. Word. I was shocked by what was before my eyes. Horrified, actually.

To say I have neglected this blog is beyond an understatement. It's not because I haven't been focusing on fact, quite the opposite is true. I have been focusing a ton of my energy on design (some projects are going on multiple years), but unfortunately, the busier I get, the less time I take to document and share my work.

I am fortunate enough to have the most amazing clients. The majority of whom I have worked with repeatedly. They know what I am capable of and, quite frankly, do not really care what the blog looks like. So, you might be wondering '


what's the problem

?' Well, the problem is - a neglected website doesn't do much for the people that


worked with me. The people that have no idea what I am capable of. You know, the people that will allow me to continue GROWING my business! So, this new year is bringing about

cha cha cha changes

over here are Marten Design. The first of those changes is the look of the blog and logo. Next will come a new website and after that, well - I can't tell you just yet, but I promise it's going to be good.

I have always said the first 5 years of my design business would be to build my foundation. To get more projects/ experience under my belt and build up my client base...then, when my kids start school, I would go full force. Well, I am inching in on that time. Let's just say, I am ready to take this thing to the next level and I really hope you'll come along for the ride.


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*quote art by Jordan Brantley with The Honest Boss