Indianapolis Monthly Home of the Month


A few months ago I was contacted by Indianapolis Monthly because they were interested in featuring our house as the "Home of the Month."  At first I thought, well that's fun, and then I quickly turned to panic and doubt. At times, as a designer, I feel the most pressure in my own home. The vision and expectiations I have would require tremendous time and budget, neither which are realistic. Then, I start to think about others expectations of my home - and that's when anxiety really sets in (note, those expectations are completely self inflicted).

A friend, neighbor and someone I partner with often in my design work explained it perfectly. A designer's home is their canvas...a working piece of art that in our minds is NEVER complete, so putting it out there can feel vulnerable.

But, after a lot of back and forth in my head I decided to go ahead and let Indianapolis Monthly shoot because at the end of the day, this shoot is about celebrating this house, its history, and what it means to not only Fort Benjamin Harrison, but our family. We feel so fortunate to not only live here, but to have the responsibility of restoring this home back to its original beauty. Believe me, it has not been a quick process (and we still have A LOT to do), but it certainly has been rewarding. I will never forget the first time we walked in the front doors. After looking at what felt like a thousand homes, we knew the second we stepped inside that this is where we were supposed to be. That's not to say it didn't feel overwhelming - it did. There was SO much work and more footage then I ever cared to clean, but I truly feel this house chose us just as much as we chose it.

So, as for not having the picture perfect, photo ready kitchen? Oh well. It will come in time. And if it doesn't, believe me, I'm well aware of how blessed we are to even be in a position to worry about those types of things.

Thank you to Indianapolis Monthly for sharing this piece of history that we proudly call home. I will share the online article once it is released, but in the meantime, if you live in Indy...grab a copy and check it out!