Residential & Commercial Interior Design

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The Day Has Come

Well, it’s official. Both of our kids are now in school full time!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!? The thought of them both being in school five days a week is bittersweet. I’m not sure if I want to jump up and down and celebrate, or crawl in a corner and weep (perhaps, both?).

Seven years ago I made the decision to change my career path (see HERE), and switch from working full time to part time. I am so grateful I even had the choice and I’m shocked at how fast the time has gone. As they say, “the days are long but the years short” and I couldn’t agree more. The past seven years have been the hardest, yet most rewarding of my life. Our kids have forced me to grow, and taught me to love, in ways I never thought possible. I will forever cherish my time home with them during their early years.

However, we are all excited for this next phase. Our son is excited to feel like a big kid our daughter is thrilled to see her friends and I’m ready to return back to a more consistent work schedule. I know “part time” for seven years sounds heavenly, but truth be told, I have never worked so much in my life!

With this new season I am looking forward to focusing on the things I tend to neglect, but are important (consistent blog posts, documenting my work, attending trade shows, networking with other local designers and trades people . . .the list goes on and on). And, although I know balance is an impossible goal, I’m looking forward to guilt-free work days which for me, will be a step in the right direction towards better balance. Most importantly, I’m excited to continue watching our kids grow and pursue what they’re passionate about because I have no doubt, these sweet years will also be behind us in the blink of an eye.

Just this morning one of my favorite designers, Marie Flanigan posted the quote below and it perfectly sums up how I’m feeling at the moment:

So, if you too are home with little ones, trying to balance a million things all while maintaining sanity, I’m here to tell you - take a deep breath and soak in every ounce of the crazy, because this too shall pass - and quicker than you can ever imagine.