Master Disaster

The top 5 reasons we need to complete the master bedroom, bathroom and sitting room PRONTO!

5. The guest room closet we’re using looks like this. Oops!

At 2AM, the bar literally collapsed from the weight of both our clothes
4. Thanks to exposed shelving in the guest bath, my 1 year old daughter has broken every powder like cosmetic I own    
3. Also thanks to #4, finding my makeup has become a hobby (note: her hiding spot changes daily)    
2. My living room looks like this . . .

1. Every time my daughter walks by the master she says,“Daddy?” (she thinks he's in there 24/7)
The good news!? We're SO close! The tiling is almost done and then all that's left is trim, hooking up fixtures, getting the shower door and painting. I mean LOTS and LOTS of painting. Here's what the space is looking like right now. What do you think? Coming together, isn't it!?

I haven't lost my mind...the red stuff is waterproofing, not a crazy design I'm trying 

That's a lot of tile!
By the way, I ordered ALL of the marble online. Yes, all 1,700 lbs. Highly recommend this if you're looking for a product locally that is out of stock with a long lead time.  It arrived on a pallet, in 3 days, without any damages...amazing!