Oh What Fun!

This weekend I hosted a "home swap" for a few friends, and it was so much fun (if I do say so myself)! 

Since it's the season for spring cleaning, I thought the timing would work well. Basically, everyone brought home items either they do not use or no longer work in their home. We picked numbers to determine who selected first and off we went! The first round, everyone chose one item, by the last round - everyone could take as much as they wanted. 

The little green stickers mean those items were taken
We had everything from rugs to curtains, furniture, mirrors, art, picture frames, vases, throw pillows, a laundry cart, candles, lights, dishes and linens.

At the end of it all, we loaded up my husbands truck and off to Goodwill we went. Everyone went home with a few new items and it even sparked some DIY projects. I guess the saying " one (wo)man's trash is another (wo)man's treasure" is true after all! I picked up a few throw pillows, cube shelves and a space heater!

Thanks to all who came and contributed! Can't wait for our swap next year!